Monday, December 16, 2013

Suzy, Seahorse Ring & Pendant now available at Cheeca Lodge & Spa!

Suzy the Seahorse

You can now order Suzy the Seahorse Pendant and Suzy, the Seahorse Ring at the Cheeca Lodge & Spa Store or Online at

This is an Exclusive Item only available at Cheeca Lodge & Spa.

Suzy is the Cheeca Mascot for the Lodge and you can read more about it Suzy the Seahorse here: Suzy's History

Monday, December 2, 2013

Instore December's Look at the Newest Jewelry Ad

The Sealife Fusion Collection featured in this months Instore Magazine, Opening Lines in the 
December Issue!

For more Wholesale Information, please contact me at: or (954) 594-2186
or you can use the contact form on the right and I would be more than happy to send 
you our wholesale information.